Monday, November 30, 2009

Is Bluegrass Christian?

I don’t believe there is anyone who would argue the fact that musical instruments are mentioned numerous times in the Bible nor would anyone deny the fact that David and others would dance on festive occasions. I come across many people who may not like a particular style of Christian music and make the comment, “that’s not Christian.” Whenever I hear this type of statement made the hairs on the back of my head begin to stand up and I must fight off the temptation to retort and even argue. Saying that a particular Christian music style is not Christian is like saying that only those preachers who preach the “hell fire and brimstone message are the only true preachers. I know that there are some people who would agree with that statement. In 1 Corinthians 12 says that there are many different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit, many different kinds of service but the same Lord, many different kind of workings but the same God works in all of them in all men. One part of the body to say that they just don’t belong to the body doesn’t mean it’s true, or to say that a particular part of the body doesn’t belong doesn’t make that true either. All work together for the glory of God.

With the above in mind, the focus of this article is to examine the most popular Christian music of the day taking a look at the origin, the history, the current status and those who make up the music.

Today’s focus will look at Christian Bluegrass. The earliest settlers of western North Carolina were of Scottish origin. They brought with them a wealth of musical tradition. The men would play and the women would sing the ballads that were handed down from their families. Most of the early ballads centered on either death or murder with the women singing in a high shrill vocal. The majority of these ballads originated in the British Isles. These ballads eventually became know as Bluegrass.

As the women delivered the vocals and the men played, the fiddle became a favorite instrument. The fiddle was an instrument brought to America by the Scot-Irish immigrants. Soon after the men began playing the banjo, an instrument brought to our country from West Africa. Shortly after the banjo, the guitar joined in along with the mandolin. Bluegrass was promoted throughout the region simply by family and friends gathering on the porches and in the living rooms of their homes. Bluegrass expanded to the schools, dances and other social gatherings. Radio came to the western North Carolina region in 1927 and featured much of the local talent.

Bluegrass music lingered in the mountains of western North Carolina for many years until the Monroe Brothers (Bill and Charlie) showed up. They came from Kentucky and brought with them there own style of Bluegrass. Bill’s voice was similar in style to the women who sang the ballads in the high shrill sound. In 1938 differences divided the Monroe Brothers and they went there separate way. In 1945 Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys (Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, Chubby Wise, and Cedric Rainwater) appeared on the Grand Ole Opry and the rest is history. Bluegrass quickly caught on and people from all over the country, all walks of life have embraced the sound. The sound is now called Bluegrass Music. Bill Monroe is considered the founder and grandfather of modern Bluegrass Music.

The origin of Bluegrass music lies right in the middle of the Bible belt. The sound has evolved and today there are many great singers carrying on the sound. Ralph Stanley is one such musician that many Christian Bluegrass singers emulate. Jeff and Sheri Easter, the Lewis Family, the Chuck Wagon Gang are just a couple of the groups within the Bluegrass family. If you’ve never listened to Christian Bluegrass music before and would like to test the waters, may I suggest 16 Great Bluegrass Classics #1 for only $6.28. A sound bite of each song is available. This and a complete line of Christian Bluegrass are available at Emmaus Road Christian Store at very good prices.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is There Any Room for Racism

I had this big guy come into my brick and mortar Christian bookstore ( Emmaus Road Christian Store )awhile back and asked me if I had the book “Gracism” written by “Anderson.” My first thought was he was looking for books written by Neil Anderson and my second thought was “I didn’t know Neil Anderson wrote a book on ‘Racism.’ My first response, of course, was “yes I do!” In saying that however, I discovered he wasn’t looking for books written by “Neil Anderson” but rather by “David Anderson.” I’m sure my face had a blank expression on it as I had to embarrassingly ask, “Who’s that?” He of course went on to tell me that he was “David Anderson.”

In my conversation with David I found that he is the pastor at Bridgeway Community Church and the host of a nationally syndicated radio show called Reconciliation Live. He and I had a great visit together and in the course of our visit I found out that he owns a vacation home in my area.

David Anderson’s book “Gracism, the Art of Inclusion” is now a part of my store’s library and I must say a very interesting read. In the introductory section of his book, Anderson states, “Gracism, unlike racism, doesn’t focus on race for negative purposes such as discrimination. Gracism focuses on race for the purpose of positive ministry and service.” I like that! Gracism is for the positive and not the negative. It is for ministry and service and not for discrimination.

When you look at someone, anyone, what do you see? What kind of glasses do you have on? We so often look at people and stereotype people by the way they look. We have preconceived ideas when we see someone of a “different” race than what we are? How about those of a different sex, religion, size? Racism is a sin. Most of the time people think that racism is a black/white situation. Racism is far from that. Yes whites are racist towards blacks, blacks towards whites, whites towards Asians, Asians towards Mexicans, yet get the picture. Over the course of time we have made many advances towards bridging the gap but we obviously have a ling way to go. Anderson talks about the “dot” that everyone has. Some are visible and others aren’t, but we still have them. David Anderson believes the answer to racism in the world today is “Gracism.”

Anderson defines racism as speaking, acting or thinking negatively about someone else solely based on that person’s color, class or culture. He states that grace is the unmerited favor of God on humankind. As Christians we are to extend to others favor and kindness. Anderson says that when one merges the definition of racism, which is negative, with the definition of grace, which is positive, a new term emerges – gracism (I think David Anderson should trademark the term). Anderson defines gracism as the positive extension of favor on other humans based on color, class or culture. We are to extend favor onto others and not have favorites. This is backed up by scripture such as James 2:8-9. Does not God show favor on those he chooses to show favor to?

We are living in a rapidly changing world. There are population projections showing a shift in the numbers of minorities rising and the current majority decreasing. The point being is that we live in a multicultural society. David Anderson gives a great insight in this. This insight is reflected in view of 1 Corinthians 12. When people read this passage of scripture, they read it in light of spiritual gifts. David Anderson makes some strong points that yes, spiritual gifts are prevalent in this passage, but so is multiculturalism. Paul preached to the Jew, the Gentile, the free, the slave, the rich and the poor. Take the time to open your Bible and read this passage with the idea of multiculturalism in mind.

How is your church doing in view of multiculturalism? Are your antennas up and are you aware of the diversities that exist within your fold?

1 Corinthians 12 has been one of my favorite scripture references for quite some time. It talks about the gifts that each of us as Christians has. We excite ourselves in discovering our own gifts and using them for the glory and the kingdom of God. Right after the Apostle Paul draws a parallel of the various body parts and the various spiritual gifts given to us, and prior to the close to the close of the chapter, he talks about the “weaker.” It is in this that David Anderson brings insight. In Gracism, the Art of Inclusion, Seven Sayings of a Gracist are examined in light of 1 Corinthians 12.

Saying One “I Will Lift You Up
“Those parts of the body that seam to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor.” (1 Corinthians 12:22-23)
Special Honor is to be given to the humble. Special Honor is to be given to the down and outers, those living on the fringe, the minority, those who need special attention. These are the ones who go unnoticed, who are overlooked. Everyone is important in the body of Christ, not just those who stand out in the crowd.

Saying Two “I Will Cover You
“The parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment.” (1 Corinthians 12:23-24)
Special Modesty is the way we speak about ethnic groups, genders and classes. Failure to do so and being critical does not develop unity within the body of Christ. We must ensure that we cloth ourselves with grace. The Apostle Paul mentions in Colossians that we must cloth ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. We are to do this in reference to race, religion or ethnicity. As Christians we are to protect the most vulnerable within the body from embarrassment. We must check what we say and protect those who need protected.

Saying Three “I Will Share With You
“The parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment.” (1 Corinthians 12:23-24)
No Special Treatment makes a statement of “I refuse to accept special favors or perks that may hurt you” even if the refusal is emotionally difficult. No Special Treatment says that I will not express my rights, freedoms and privileges if they could hurt you. Perhaps difficult, it will cut to the heart of Gracism. It becomes personal. Gracism simply says that before I allow you to feel put down, less dignified, I will share with you.

Saying Four “I Will Honor You
“God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it.” (1 Corinthians 12:24)
Greater Honor is given to those parts of the body that lack honor. Anderson writes that those in the body that lack honor are the poor, crippled, blind and lame. It is through grace greater honor to those. The rich, I’m sure, don’t think it’s fair. Those who are physically fit may find it hard to accept the fact that God honors those who lack in the physical. In certain parts of the world people of different ethnicities are the ones who lack honor. In certain parts of the world people with physical or mental handicaps are considered those who lack honor. We often teach our children that life is not fair. I now know that neither is God. God is not fair; and I’m glad he’s not. This is where GRACE comes into play. It is by God’s grace that I am saved and have eternal life. I most certainly didn’t deserve it. James 4:6 says that God gives grace to the humble. Those who are humble realize that they lack honor.

Saying Five “I Will Stand With You
God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body. (1 Corinthians 12:24-25)
The emphasis of this saying is “no division” within the body of Christ. Division among believers is not of God. God hates division. God is one in his nature, we are called to be one with him, and therefore there is no room for division to exist among followers of Christ. If we allow or if we cling to division within the body of Christ, we align ourselves with the kingdom of darkness ruled by Satan. If we align ourselves with God we must align ourselves with unity. In John 17 Jesus prayed that all believers be of oneness. God does not want his children to fight and quarrel. If such is happening, I will be a person of reconciliation. Of which race, social group or culture did Jesus not die for? God, in his infinite wisdom, extended grace to everyone who will accept it. Because we are one in Christ, we must therefore say that there is no division among us and that “I will stand with you.”

Saying Six “I Will Consider You
“God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.” (1 Corinthians 12:24-25)
This saying says that I will have equal concern for you. I will look at your circumstance, have the compassion of Jesus, and do whatever I can for you. It is being the “Good Samaritan” towards those who are downtrodden. A gracist who considers others does not live in their own world but rather looks for those who are struggling with the hope of showing equal concern for them. Equal concern is treating those who are hurt as if they were you own flesh and blood, your own family; because they are. Having equal concern is stepping out of my house and getting involved with those who are different than me. I will concern myself with your feelings and your dreams no matter what the circumstance or situation. Paul took Peter to task when Peter “removed” himself from the Gentiles when Jews arrived on the scene. By Peter doing this he even led Barnabas astray. In the body of Christ there are no “them” and “us.” I will consider you not only when it is convenient but always.

Saying Seven “I Will Celebrate With You
“If one part suffers every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, overy part rejoices with it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26)
As Christians, we must rejoice with others over their successes. When another racial group, ethnic group or gender group succeeds in some area, instead of becoming jealous and resentful, I should celebrate. In all the diversity in which we are a part of, we must rejoice with the successes of others, especially when it is not natural for us to rejoice in this way. Celebrating each other’s successes and wins is critical to unity. Jealousy and covetousness brew the poison that brings dissension to the body.

Becoming a Gracist is as easy as you want it to be. Central to it all is allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within you and when the Holy Spirit convicts you of your need to extend God’s grace to those who are in need of grace, to do so. Gracism is the positive extension of favor on other human beings based on color, class or culture. Racism can be narrow in its definition. Grace is the opposite. Becoming a Gracist is becoming more like Christ.

David Anderson’s book, Gracism, the Art of Inclusion can be purchased online for only $15.30 at Emmaus Road Christian Store.

Could I Have a Witness!

Everyone is familiar with Matthew 28 where Jesus tells his disciples to go into the entire world making disciples and baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus then said to them that He would be with them always, even to the end of the age. We as Christians take comfort in knowing that Jesus will always be with us. We also have fear when he says to “go.” We often think this command was for someone else and not us, but that is far from the truth. As a child of God, as the child of THE KING we have a responsibility to tell everyone about the inheritance we have and to tell them that they too can be a child of God, a child of THE KING!

So how do we do this? This particular article is not designed or intended to give you the nuts and bolts as to the “how.” This article is designed to give you a couple of ideas to help get you started. You should never be embarrassed about sharing you faith with anyone, should never be embarrassed about “messing up.” God will take care of you.

Not every church is evangelistic minded. Many churches are content with just sitting back and keeping to themselves. If your church is into evangelism, may I suggest talking to those on the forefront of what is going on. They have their finger on the pulse and can be a great source of information and help. Most likely they are looking for someone to join their team.

It is always good to have a Christian brother or sister who is likeminded as yourself. If you can find that someone, team up with them and make a plan. Jesus always sent his disciples out in groups of two.

There are several resources available to help train you in spreading the gospel. May I suggest you start with materials developed by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. They have written so many books that you could be totally absorbed in learning from them. They also head up an organization called “Way of the Master.” Check out their website, full of great resources. Their books are also online. You may want start with a best-seller, Hells Best Kept Secret. This book gives you information as to how to lead someone to true repentance. The next recommended book in their line should be Conquer You Fear, Share Your Faith. You can see a complete line of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron books that will help you in your evangelism.

William Fay has quite a story of salvation (Mafia connections). He is a straight to the point, between they eyes type of a guy. His book Share Jesus Without Fear will give you instructions as to how you can share Jesus with anyone. This book is an easy read, one evening.

Whichever of the above two you choose to learn from, (and by the way, there are many others) it is imperative that you learn “your story.” What you will want to tell others about your own personal salvation. When you are comfortable doing this, you will then feel more comfortable in talking about their own personal salvation.

Many people feel comfortable in handing out gospel tracts. You can do this in many different ways. You can hand someone a tract directly and never have a conversation with the person you are handing them out to, or, you can converse. You can leave gospel tracts with a tip after a mean, mail them with your electric, phone and gas bills, leave them at the gas pump, etc. There was a recent incident where someone left a gospel tract at their local shopping mall and the mall security was looking for them because it was illegal to do that (may I suggest that persecution is here in America). If you wonder how effective gospel tracts are, may I suggest you listen closely and watch Ray Comforts video “George Street.” It’s less than 10 minutes long but what an amazing story!

Another avenue worth exploring is Christian apparel and Christian jewelry. Did you know that the average Christian T-shirt is read over 3,000 times before it goes to the yard sale? What a statement you can make by the clothes you wear; T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, caps, shoes, belts, ties, etc.

I have a friend who is an avid golfer, just not very good. He has golf balls with scripture verse written on them so that when others find his golf balls they also are given a Christian message.

The possibilities are endless. God has equipped each of us for service. In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul tells about the importance each of us has in the kingdom of God. There is no one part more important than another and those who’s considered weaker must be lifted up. Use the gift God has given you and evangelize the world!

Multicultural Churches

David Anderson writes about multicultural leadership not from the perspective of an ivory tower intellectual, but as a hands-on practitioner who loves and believes in the body of Christ. . . . If you believe there is no solution to the race problem, I urge you to reconsider and to learn from someone who is on the frontlines of making multicultural ministry a reality in the church today. —Bill Hybels, founding and senior pastor, Willow Creek Community Church

Multiculturalism isn’t a trend, it’s a reality. Evidence of this country’s rich racial mix is all around us in our schools, our stores, our neighborhoods, our recreational facilities—everywhere except our churches. Heaven may include every culture, tongue, and tribe, but in the United States, Sunday morning remains one of the last bastions of ethnic separatism. It’s time to stop merely talking about multicultural worship and start living it.

In this groundbreaking book, David Anderson invites us all—African-American, Asian, Caucasian, and Latino—to learn how to dance the dance of multicultural ministry. We’ve all got different moves, but that’s the beauty of diversity: the various gifts we bring, the wisdom of our heritages, the different creative ways we express the same Lord. Think it can’t be done? Think again. As Anderson demonstrates, it is being done successfully by more and more churches. Wherever your church is now on the multicultural continuum, you can join the ranks of those moving toward a diverse and thriving ministry. Combining frontline insights with inspiring stories, Anderson takes you and your church into the strategy-level realities of what it takes to make multicultural ministry work in your setting.

Do you hear the beat of the Spirit? God is calling your church to the dance of unity in diversity. Don’t hold back! Grab this book, get out on the dance floor, and let Multicultural Ministry show you the steps.

Multicultural Ministry can be obtained at Emmaus Road Christian Store for only $13.19 (while supplies last – 5 left)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

WOW 2010

The wait is over! You’ve been very patient! Contemporary Christian music at its best! WOW 2010 may very well be the best WOW cd ever! There are 30 songs on 2 cd’s and I predict that WOW 2010 will surpass the record set by WOW 2009. With WOW 2010 you will get Matthew West – The Motions, Jeremy Camp – There Will Be a Day, Casting Crowns - Slow Fade, Newsboys – In the Hands of God, Toby Mac – City on Our Knees and of course 25 others. Don’t wait until the end of 2010 to get this CD. A perfect Christmas gift…a perfect gift for yourself. You can order it for $13.49 at Emmaus Road Christian Store.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Communicator’s Commentary Vol. 30 1 & 2 Corinthians

Book Description
General Editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators to blend sound scholarship with life-related illustrations.
The design for the Preacher's Commentary gives the reader an overall outline of each book of the Bible. Following the introduction, which reveals the author's approach and salient background on the book, each chapter of the commentary provides the Scripture to be exposited. The New King James Bible has been chosen for the Preacher's Commentary because it combines with integrity the beauty of language, underlying Hebrew and Greek textual basis, and thought-flow of the 1611 King James Version, while replacing obsolete verb forms and other archaisms with their everyday contemporary counterparts for greater readability. Reverence for God is preserved in the capitalization of all pronouns referring to the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. Readers who are more comfortable with another translation can readily find the parallel passage by means of the chapter and verse reference at the end of each passage being exposited. The paragraphs of exposition combine fresh insights to the Scripture, application, rich illustrative material, and innovative ways of utilizing the vibrant truth for his or her own life and for the challenge of communicating it with vigor and vitality.

Get Communicator’s Commentary Vol. 30 1 and 2 Corinthians at Emmaus Road Christian Store -

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is There Any Room for Racism? (Part 1 of 3)

I had this big guy come into my brick and mortar Christian bookstore ( Emmaus Road Christian Store )awhile back and asked me if I had the book “Gracism” written by “Anderson.” My first thought was he was looking for books written by Neil Anderson and my second thought was “I didn’t know Neil Anderson wrote a book on ‘Racism.’ My first response, of course, was “yes I do!” In saying that however, I discovered he wasn’t looking for books written by “Neil Anderson” but rather by “David Anderson.” I’m sure my face had a blank expression on it as I had to embarrassingly ask, “Who’s that?” He of course went on to tell me that he was “David Anderson.”

In my conversation with David I found that he is the pastor at Bridgeway Community Church and the host of a nationally syndicated radio show called Reconciliation Live. He and I had a great visit together and in the course of our visit I found out that he owns a vacation home in my area.

David Anderson’s book “Gracism, the Art of Inclusion” is now a part of my store’s library and I must say a very interesting read. In the introductory section of his book, Anderson states, “Gracism, unlike racism, doesn’t focus on race for negative purposes such as discrimination. Gracism focuses on race for the purpose of positive ministry and service.” I like that! Gracism is for the positive and not the negative. It is for ministry and service and not for discrimination.

When you look at someone, anyone, what do you see? What kind of glasses do you have on? We so often look at people and stereotype people by the way they look. We have preconceived ideas when we see someone of a “different” race than what we are? How about those of a different sex, religion, size? Racism is a sin. Most of the time people think that racism is a black/white situation. Racism is far from that. Yes whites are racist towards blacks, blacks towards whites, whites towards Asians, Asians towards Mexicans, yet get the picture. Over the course of time we have made many advances towards bridging the gap but we obviously have a ling way to go. Anderson talks about the “dot” that everyone has. Some are visible and others aren’t, but we still have them. David Anderson believes the answer to racism in the world today is “Gracism.”

Anderson defines racism as speaking, acting or thinking negatively about someone else solely based on that person’s color, class or culture. He states that grace is the unmerited favor of God on humankind. As Christians we are to extend to others favor and kindness. Anderson says that when one merges the definition of racism, which is negative, with the definition of grace, which is positive, a new term emerges – gracism (I think David Anderson should trademark the term). Anderson defines gracism as the positive extension of favor on other humans based on color, class or culture. We are to extend favor onto others and not have favorites. This is backed up by scripture such as James 2:8-9. Does not God show favor on those he chooses to show favor to?

We are living in a rapidly changing world. There are population projections showing a shift in the numbers of minorities rising and the current majority decreasing. The point being is that we live in a multicultural society. David Anderson gives a great insight in this. This insight is reflected in view of 1 Corinthians 12. When people read this passage of scripture, they read it in light of spiritual gifts. David Anderson makes some strong points that yes, spiritual gifts are prevalent in this passage, but so is multiculturalism. Paul preached to the Jew, the Gentile, the free, the slave, the rich and the poor. Take the time to open your Bible and read this passage with the idea of multiculturalism in mind.

How is your church doing in view of multiculturalism? Are your antennas up and are you aware of the diversities that exist within your fold?

David Anderson’s book: Gracism, the Art of Inclusion can be purchased online for only $15.30 at Emmaus Road Christian Store.

Christmas Blessing (DVD)


Nathan Andrews of The Christmas Shoes has grown up and is now a medical resident. When the young doctor loses a patient, he begins to rethink his career and moves back home with his father. Just as Nathan is settling in, his world begins to crumble when the lives of the woman he loves and an innocent young boy are in crisis. Nathan finds himself questioning God, fate and the fragility of life, all the while hoping for a Christmas miracle

Sequel to the 2006 DVD hit The Christmas Shoes
Based on the New York Times best-selling book by Nancy VanLiere and record breaking song by NewSong
Premiered on CBS TV in December 2005 with 14 million viewers and was the 2nd most-watched TV movie of the year
Major Star Power: Golden Globe nominee Rob Lowe- “Brothers and Sisters,” “The West Wing” Golden Globe nominee Neil Patrick Harris- “How I Met Your Mother,” “Doogie Howser, M.D.” Rebecca Gayheart- “Ugly Betty,” “Nip/Tiuck” Angus T. Jones- “Two and a Half Men,” Bringing Down the House, The Rookie

A Woman Rides the Beast (DVD)

Could the Greatest Double-Cross in History Deceive the "Elect"?

MOST "end times" discussions focus on the coming Antichrist—but he is only half the story...

MANY are surprised to discover that in Revelation 17, there is another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy—a woman who rides the beast...

TRADITION says this "mystery" woman is connected with the church of Rome. But isn't such a view outdated? After all, today's Vatican is eager to join hands with evangelicals and all religions worldwide...

BIBLICAL truth and global events present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist's future empire...

MORE THAN TEN remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman's identity beyond any reasonable and be amazed!

Closed Captioning included

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bible Mad Gab Card Game

Card Game

Play Bible Mad Gab Card Game and you’ll start speaking in a silly new way! See if you can solve ridiculous riddles like: “Cohen Peas.” Can you hear what you really said? Say it over and over until you hear yourself say, “Go In Peace.” Ages 10 and Up; 2 to 8 Players. 208 Bible Mad Gab Puzzles on 52 cards.Additional InformationPlay Bible Mad Gab and you'll start speaking a silly new way! See if you can solve ridiculous riddles like: "Cohen Peas." Can you hear what you really said? Say it over and over until you hear yourself say, "Go in peace." For 2 to 8 players, ages 10 and up.

Get Bible Mad Gab Card Game at Emmaus Road Christian Store -

Bible Mad Gab

Read a group of simple words aloud, like Know Ozark. Do you hear the answer? (Noah's Ark). Teams have 30 seconds to sound out 3 puzzles and snatch that card, miss it, and the other team can steal the point! 2-12 players. Contents: 1,200 Mad Gab puzzles referenced from the NIV Bible, flipper unit, score pad, and rules.

Additional Information

It many seem like you're in the Tower of Babel, but's not what you say, it's what you hear! Read a group of simple words aloud, like: "Know Ozark." Do you "hear" what I hear? Quick, your team has 30 seconds to sound out 3 puzzles! Did you hear yourself say Noah's Ark?

All puzzles are fully referenced from the NIV Bible.

This game is so much fun you'll want to play for 40 days and 40 nights! Ages: 10 and Up, 2 or more players.

Get Bible Mad Gab Board Game at Emmaus Road Christian Store -

Bringing Out the Winner in Your Child

John Croyle

Product Description
"Many parents I meet," says John Croyle, "feel discouraged and defeated in their relationships with their children. They want to be good parents, but they don’t know where to find that ‘something extra’ within. This book is meant to give you some positive principles that will help you find that. Then you in turn can bring out the winner in your child."

Bringing Out the Winner in Your Child challenges parents to examine their skills, recognize their inadequacies, and love their children enough to make the changes needed to provide a stable, peaceful home. Croyle’s life is an inspiring story of an All-American defensive end whose love for children prompted his coach, the legendary Bear Bryant, to advise him to "forget about pro football and follow your dream."

In 1974 Croyle founded Big Oak Ranch as a home for abused, neglected, or abandoned children. Since then it has been a refuge and a natural, loving environment for more than 1,500 children from ages six to twenty-one.

Croyle’s practical guide to raising children encourages parents to develop skills as guardian, disciplinarian, provider, and friend so they can provide their children with love, stability, protection, and wisdom. His wide-ranging experience is the basis for his many lessons in dealing with typical parenting problems. Croyle offers such valuable insights as how children listen with their eyes (not their ears), how children and adults speak different languages, how realistic boundaries can affect children in positive ways, and how discipline with love, not anger, creates an atmosphere of growth and trust.

His daughter, Reagan, was a four-year member of the women’s varsity basketball team at the University of Alabama. Croyle’s son, Brodie, was the top-rated high school quarterback in America when he graduated in 1990, and in 2002 he became the starting quarterback of the Alabama Crimson Tide.

Get Bringing Out the Winner in Your Child at Emmaus Road Christian Store -

Boundaries With Kids

Boundaries With Kids


What the award-winning Boundaries has done for adult relationships, Boundaries with Kids will do for you and your children.

Here is the help you need for raising your kids to take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions. Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend take you through the ins and outs of instilling the kind of character in your children that will help them lead balanced, productive, and fulfilling adult lives.

Learn how to

• set limits and still be a loving parent
• bring control to an out-of-control family life
• apply the ten laws of boundaries to parenting
• define appropriate boundaries and consequences for your kids … and much more.

Boundaries with Kids helps us give our kids the skills they need to live realistic and full lives in meaningful relationships. Not perfect—but healthy!” —Elisa Morgan, president of MOPS International, Inc.

Dr. Henry Cloud is a popular speaker, and co-host, with Dr. John Townsend, of the nationally broadcast New Life Live! Radio program, and cofounder of Cloud-Townsend Clinic and Cloud-Townsend Resources. His bestselling books include the Gold Medallion Award-winning Boundaries books and Making Small Groups Work. Dr. Cloud and his wife and two daughters live in Southern California.

Dr. John Townsend, clinical psychologist, entertaining speaker, and co-founder of Cloud-Townsend Resources, has authored or co-authored nineteen books, including the best selling Gold Medallion book 'Boundaries,' and Boundaries in Marriage. Dr. Townsend is a regular co-host on New Life Live Radio, and together with Dr. Henry Cloud he developed the Ultimate Leadership Program, a highly effective week-long workshop designed to accelerate the personal and professional growth of businesspeople, pastors, ministry, and small-group leaders. He also partners with Church Communications Network, which broadcasts his leadership and relationship talks and seminars to churches via satellite across North America. Dr. Townsend lives in Southern California.

View other Boundaries Books

Get Boundaries With Kids at Emmaus Road Christian Store -

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Don’t’ Give In – God Wants You To Win! by Thelma Wells

Don’t Give in – God Wants You to Win!
Thelma Wells

Popular author and conference speaker Thelma Wells inspires readers to fight the good fight of faith and win the raging wars that they battle each day as the enemy tries to steal their joy, kill their hopes and dreams, and destroy their lives. In her personable and enthusiastic style, Wells helps readers understand:
what spiritual warfare is
why they fight
who they are fighting
how to dress for the war
how to win the war
who ultimately is in control of the fight

Don’t Give In—God Wants You to Win! will cause readers to understand that the battles they fight are really not theirs. Those battles belong to the God of “Peace, be still,” who will give them the strategies and courage they need to resist Satan’s tricks.
Wells writes for anyone fighting battles over family, relationships, finances, health, broken dreams, disappointments, and just the dailyness of life that can cause so much distress and hurt. Through instruction from God’s Word and stories of modern–day as well as biblical people, Wells shows how to relinquish those troubles to the only Person who can guarantee winning strategies for life.

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The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children

Stormie Omartian

In this important follow–up to her book The Power of a Praying® Parent (over 1.7 million sold), Stormie Omartian addresses the areas of concern parents have for their grown children and shares how to lift them up to God. With stories from other parents and insight gleaned from personal experience, Stormie helps parents pray with the power of God’s Word over their adult children and their
· career choices and sense of purpose
· marriages and other vital relationships
· parenting skills and leadership
· struggles, addictions, or emotional trials
· faith commitment and prayer life

Each year thousands of parents watch their grown children step out into the world and wish they could do more to support them. They can. Every parent can rest in the power of prayer to turn their child over to the care, protection, and guidance God provides.

Stormie Omartian is the bestselling author of The Power of a Praying® series (more than 13 million copies sold worldwide), which includes The Power of a Praying® Wife and The Power of a Praying® Husband. Her many other books include Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On, The Prayer That Changes Everything®, The Power of a Praying® Woman, The Power of Praying® Through the Bible, and The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Stormie and her husband, Michael, have been married more than 35 years and are the parents of two adult children.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Eat This and Live

Dr. Don Colbert

Today we have an abundance of options when it comes to the food we eat. But all foods are not created equal. In fact, some food should not even be labeled food but rather “consumable product” or “edible, but void of nourishment.”

In Eat This and Live! Dr. Don Colbert provides a road map to help you navigate this often treacherous territory. Based on the key principles for healthy eating in Dr. Colbert’s New York Times best seller, The Seven Pillars of Health, this practical guidebook to food includes “Dr. Colbert Approved” foods and restaurant menu choices, along with helpful tips, charts, and nutrition information that will make it easier for you to stay healthy and lose weight.

Now is the time to build the rest of your life on this wonderful pillar of health—living food!

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It's a Wonderful Life

Christmas Classic

You’ve got George Bailey, Mary, Clarence, Mr. Potter and a host of other unforgettable characters in one of the greatest Christmas movies ever. George Bailey has spent his entire life giving of himself to the people of Bedford Falls. He has always longed to travel but never had the opportunity in order to prevent rich skinflint Mr. Potter from taking over the entire town. All that prevents him from doing so is George's modest building and loan company, which was founded by his generous father. But on Christmas Eve, George's Uncle Billy loses the business's $8,000 while intending to deposit it in the bank. Potter finds the misplaced money and hides it from Billy. When the bank examiner discovers the shortage later that night, George realizes that he will be held responsible and sent to jail and the company will collapse, finally allowing Potter to take over the town. Thinking of his wife, their young children, and others he loves will be better off with him dead, he contemplates suicide. But the prayers of his loved ones result in a gentle angel named Clarence coming to earth to help George, with the promise of earning his wings. He shows George what things would have been like if he had never been born. In a nightmarish vision in which the Potter-controlled town is sunk in sin, those George loves are dead, ruined, or miserable. He realizes that he has touched many people in a positive way and that his life has truly been a wonderful one.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

One Yard Short

Les Steckel

Coach Les Steckel understands that life is difficult. It's marked by disappointments and defeats. But what's important is what you do with those defeats. One Yard Short is the amazing story of Les Steckel. A coach for 32 years, with 23 of those seasons coaching in the NFL, Steckel has been through his shares of ups and downs, having experienced the pain and disappointment of job loss time and time again in a way that only professional sports coaches know.

A lesser man would have given up and become bitter, but in the midst of each disappointment, each "failure," God was there, picking him up, dusting him off, telling Coach Steckel that He believed in him and that there was a special plan for his life. In One Yard Short, Coach Steckel teaches readers through his own life lessons and football experiences how to hear God's voice in the midst of disappointments and failures.

It’s Your Time

Joel Osteen


Get your hopes up. Raise your expectations. Expect the unexpected. In challenging times, it may be hard to see better days ahead.

You may feel as though your struggles will never end, that things won't ever turn around for you.

This is exactly the moment when you should seek and expect God's blessings.

It's your time to declare your faith, to look for God's favor and to give control of your life to Him so that you can find fulfillment in His plans for you!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Grand Finale – The Ultimate Concert Experience


Retailer response to “The Crabb Family—Grand Finale: The Ultimate Concert Experience” DVD is so strong that New Haven Records is now releasing the audio version just in time for the holidays. Featuring seven #1 songs, this final CD from The Crabb Family highlights their spectacular performance before an enthusiastic, standing-room-only audience at the historic Tennessee Theatre in Knoxville, TN. Equal parts “greatest hits collection ” and “ultimate concert collectable,” “Grand Finale” captures this Grammy-nominated, Dove Award-winning group at the pinnacle of their career. For the longtime fan or newest follower, “Grand Finale” is a testament to the stunning vocals, poignant songwriting, and instrumental prowess that turned this rural Kentucky family into a Gospel Music phenomenon.

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Beauty Will Rise by Steven Curtis Chapman

Beauty Will Rise
Steven Curtis Chapman


Beauty Will Rise is a collection of 12 new and profound songs from Steven Curtis Chapman. Created in the past 18 months in the walk through the darkness of the loss of his daughter Maria, and while God continues to meet him there on the journey. Part lament, part praise, part grief, part hope, part wrestling, part pondering; these tracks resonate as Steven’s personal Psalms. It is a desperately hopeful, raw, personal, and honest recording that is likely the most important of his already incredible 20 plus year ministry.

First radio single “Heaven is the Face” goes for adds at AC radio on August 21st
On tour this Fall with 15+ Women of Faith conferences, additional touring in Spring
First new album in over 2 years
Comprehensive marketing campaign in development including radio, publicity, and online promotions.
Extensive Mainstream and Christian press opportunities around the album. In the past year, Steven has appeared in People, Good Morning America, Larry King Live, CBS The Early Show, Focus On the Family Radio show, and more.
Steven Curtis Chapman has sold over ten million records including two RIAA certified platinum albums and eight RIAA certified gold albums
Steven has charted 45 No. 1 US radio hits and been awarded 54 Dove Awards, more than any other artist to date

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Heaven and Earth by Phil Wickham

Phil Wickham


Prolific singer/songwriter Phil Wickham continues to gain momentum with his modern style of vertical worship and poetic lyrics. Leading corporate worship nationwide, Wickham, known for hits such as "Beautiful" and "Divine Romance," describes the daily truths he is learning with a tender yet poignant voice and a passionate cry of worship. Heaven and Earth finds him creating melodies that are infectious with contemplative and honest messages of surrender and abandon.

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Give Yourself Away by Newsong



Newsong returns with an all-new, original-song album this fall featuring Russ Lee back at the helm as lead singer, and production by Grammy-nominated producer Charlie Peacock. With powerful radio singles, "Hope", "Too Wonderful", and "That's What Mercy Is" (co-written by Matthew West), plus the touching song "Every Child Deserves A Home", Newsong proves why they are a favorite among CCM fans everywhere by combining great music with a powerful ministry. With a 35-city tour this fall with Bluetree and Chynna and Vaughan, a Christmas Tour with Big Daddy Weave/Francesca Battistelli, a youth conference with 30,000 people, and the biggest tour in Christian Music, the 2010 Winter Jam Tour seen by over 450,000 people, Newsong will be seen by more than any artist in CCM giving the album a perfect set up to drive retail sales. Additionally, each CD will come with a BONUS-CD shrink-wrapped to the outside so that people can 'give one away' as a way of encouraging their friends and family. With strong radio singles, huge touring schedule, and the unique free CD giveaway, Give Yourself Away is poised to be the biggest Newsong album to date.

First single, "That's What Mercy Is" at radio in October
Fall Tour, Christmas Tour, Winter Jam Tour - over 500,000 people in attendance!
Strong radio singles with Russ Lee back as lead singer
Unique packaging with BONUS free CD to give away
20 #1 radio singles, 1.2 million album sales

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Glorious by Paul Baloche

Paul Baloche

One of modern day’s most influential songwriters, Paul Baloche has written songs that made the whole church sing. From the writer of such church anthems as “Open The Eyes Of My Heart”, “Above All”, “Your Name”, and “Hosanna” Paul offers 12 all new instant church classics on his highly anticipated follow-up release to “Our God Saves.” His songs have shaped the sound of the modern day church and his newest release looks to make next generation worship Glorious.

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