Friday, December 18, 2009

Open Your Eyes!

Do you ever come across people who are hurting but give the impression that everything is alright? I’m sure you have, we all have. Maybe you are one of those who give the impression that everything is alright. But the fact of the matter is everyone has some need in their life that needs to be filled, needs that need to be taken care of. We all need to look at people and try to look beyond that outward appearance to what is lying behind their eyes. We need to look and ask ourselves what we think their needs are.
It seems as if though there are more stressors today than ever before. Stress is an emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition of mind which occurs in response to adverse external influences. People react to stress in many different ways. It is not the intent of this paper to explore all aspects of stress and how to handle it. Rather my intent is to touch on a few issues and try to give you a couple of resources that may be helpful. For more information on stress, please visit the American Psychological Associations web page on stress.
With the economy in the state that it is in, people are struggling just to make ends meet. This provides a tremendous amount of stress on a person. There’s a multitude of resources available to help people manage their money better, to help them get out of debt, and to help them with their overall financial resources. Crown Financial Ministries is an excellent starting point. You can also visit Emmaus Road Christian Store for other resources.
Many people today are dabbling in sin. They are playing around with alcohol, pornography, drugs. These are addictions that yes, even Christians can be involved it. The Holy Spirit convicts us when we do this but Satan is right there telling us that it is alright because everyone else is doing it, one time will not hurt us, and who will know, no one will find out. If you are a person with such an addiction, take heart, there is help available. You many want to obtain a copy of the Life Recovery Bible. It is based on the 12 step recovery model. Where some programs tell you to get in touch with a Higher Power and let you decide what that Higher Power should be, the Life Recovery Bible will tell you that the Higher Power and the true source of healing is God himself.
Perhaps the greatest stressor of all is the death of a loved one whether it is a parent, spouse or child. A person just doesn’t know what it is like until you actually go through the loss of a loved one. Many great books and resources are available for those who are going through the grieving process.
So what do you see when you look at someone? Do you look deep, beyond the exterior into what is on the inside? You shouldn’t do this to meddle, to be nosey or to look down on someone. You should ask God to place someone in front of you and give you the grace to look inside of them with the questions, “What is their need” and “How can I help them?”
For those who are Christians and believe what is written in the Bible, Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." This is a promise of God. It is impossible for him to lie, therefore, since he said what he said then he will deliver. Many times our job is to simply let others know of Gods promises and his guarantees.
When we are around people we need to ask God to open our eyes to what their needs are and what we must do to fill those needs. God may just use you to answer another person’s prayer. We must be the “Good Samaritan” that Jesus tells about in the gospels. We must store up treasures in heaven and not be so concerned about what we have here on this earth. God may be calling you to fill a need of someone. By helping you are storing up in heaven your treasures. In Matthews gospel, the people said to Jesus, when did we see you hungry and fed you, or thirsty and gave you something to drink naked and clothed you or in prison and came to visit you? Jesus’ response was “what you’ve done to the least of these, you’ve done it to me.
Open your eyes. Have the eyes of Jesus!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Virgin Conception

According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary, a prophet is one who speaks forth or openly, a proclaimer of a divine message. In the Septuagint a prophet is referred to a seer. In general, the prophet was one upon whom the spirit of God rested, one to whom and through whom God speaks. In the Old Testament if it is determined that a person is a false prophet, one that tried to sway the people away from God, the penalty for such is death (Deuteronomy 13). Therefore it was of great importance to the prophet to be real.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah lived during the time of several kings. One such godless king was Ahaz. Ahaz did not trust in the God of his fathers, the great God Jehovah. Rather, Ahaz trusted in himself and his power. King Ahaz placed his trust in his army and the alliance he made with the Assyrians. Isaiah told the people not to place their trust in man but in God. Why do we test the patience of God? King Ahaz did, the people of Judah did. Isaiah told them that God would give them a sign.

The sign that God would give will come in three parts. Isaiah records in Isaiah 7:14 that a virgin would be with child, pregnant. This women, will be a virgin, young yes, unmarried yes, a virgin, yes. God does this to show his mighty power. This woman would not be any woman but rather a virgin. Matthew 1:23 records her in the Greek as being a virgin. Next God tells us that this child will be a son and his name will call him Immanuel. Immanuel, God with us. The birth of a son, to a virgin, only God can do that.

Neither Isaiah not Matthew really understood the significance of the virgin birth. Isaiah prophesied it; Matthew records the fulfillment of it. Today we know of the reason for the virgin birth, to escape the curse of the original sin of Adam and Eve. Why did Isaiah tell King Ahaz about this virgin birth, the son and his name being Immanuel? King Ahaz had to be reminded by God to trust him, to let him know that God has not abandoned his people, and that he is still with them.

About 750 years after Isaiah gives this particular prophecy it is fulfilled. In Luke 1:30 it is recorded that an angel appeared to a virgin named Mary. The angel told Mary not to be afraid and that she has found favor with God. Wow! To know that you have been visited by an angel and to be told that you have been found with favor or grace with God is nothing less that wow! An angel is a messenger from God. This angle tells Mary that she will be with child, she will give birth to a son and she will give him the name Jesus. Sound familiar? Isaiah prophesied it, Mary is living it. Mary is young, unmarried (though engaged), still living at home. What will the family say? What will the neighbors say? What will Joseph say, what will he do? Mary then understands, his name will be Jesus. Jesus is the New Testament name for Joshua, “Yahweh is salvation” or “Yahweh will save.” What can be said but “WOW!”

In Mary’s confusion, the angel explains that her son will be called the “Son of the Most High.” This “Most High” is none other than the “Most High,” God himself. Her son will fulfill all prophecy concerning the deliverer, he will be of the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. How long is forever? That‘s how long he will reign. Mary, being still confused, knowing of her virginity asked the angel how this will happen. The angel explains that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power of the “Most High” will overshadow her. The baby will be holy and will be called the Son of God! This event will be miraculous. There will be no sexual contact between Mary and God or any other being, but rather the impregnation will be supernatural, an impregnation only God could perform, outside the normal laws of nature.

Mary doesn’t ask for any further proof, no other evidence is needed on the part of Mary but the angel gives her one other sign. Her cousin Elizabeth, who never had a child, who is now old, is now pregnant. Nothing is impossible with God. What is impossible with man is possible with God! God is a God of possibilities. When all seems lost, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, when the whole world is against you, God will take you through because nothing is impossible with God. Old age and becoming pregnant, a virgin and becoming pregnant, it doesn’t matter because nothing is impossible with God. Mary believed the angels and confirms it by saying that she is a servant of the Lord.

God spoke through Isaiah telling King Ahaz and all the people that God has never left them and that he never will. Sometimes in life we may wonder where God is but we must always remember his promise. Just as he promised King Ahaz,, just as he promised Mary he also promises us. The angel told Mary that nothing was impossible with God. God said that he would never leave us nor would he forsake us. In other words, God is always with us and he will never turn his back on us.

For more resources giving evidence to what is written above, please visit and support Emmaus Road Christian Store.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Making a Marriage Last

I was reminiscing with myself today about my life and the many years of marriage to the love of my life. I related my life with my wife to that of a car. Whenever you buy a new car, and it doesn’t matter if it is a luxury automobile, a sports car or an economy car it seems as if though the car was made for speed. It had a lot of pep and could accelerate quickly when you need to pass those slower cars. When you buy a new car you make special effort to take care of the car. Perhaps you wash it every week, wax it once a month, park away from other cars in the parking lot and take special care of it. Isn’t that how we treat our spouses when we first get married?

One thing for sure, new cars don’t stay new. As time goes by you are sure to encounter a few speed bumps along the way. It seems as if though every time you go across one of those bumps nothing good happens to your car. The next thing you know is you have a noise or a squeak or perhaps a rattle in the front end. If you don’t take the time to fix whatever the noise, squeak or rattle is, one thing is for certain, they won’t fix themselves. In marriage we will often encounter speed bumps and like our automobile, if we don’t take the time to fix it, it will not fix itself. There are many things that get broke in a marriage. Things that cause marital problems; money, trust, lying, working to much, not working enough, not trying to keep yourself attractive to your spouse, to name a few. Sometimes the fix may be the two of you sitting down together and talking things through, sometimes it may be receiving professional counseling. For sure, if you are to get back on the road you need to fix what is broken.

Have you ever traveled down a country road and found your car driving in a rut in the road? Maybe the rut is in the winter and you are in the tracks of other cars. Have you ever tried to steer your car out of the ruts in the road? It can be done, you can do it but it is not easy. Sometimes when we get out of the rut we slip and find ourselves right back in the rut trying to fight our way out again. Yes, couples have a tendency of getting in the ruts. We take our spouses for granite expecting them to do everything for us and never doing for them. It may be that as a couple you do the same thing everyday, week month and year. You are very predictable. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that but you must be cautious, especially is one and not the other feels as it though they are in a rut. When one is in the rut and the other is not, eyes start to wonder, thoughts start to form. Like the speed bump that creates noises, squeaks and rattles and not being tended to, so too if you don’t make any efforts to get out of the ruts problems are sure to develop. The tires wear on the car, the muffler gets pulled off, the excitement is taken out of the marriage.

How long after you purchased your new car was it before you had a scratch or dent put on it? No matter how far away you park from other cars you always end up with a dent or two, a scratch or two. A lot of the scratches and dents can be covered up of fixed by simply buffing it out. Other times you have to take your car to a body shop for repair. You can drive the car with dents and scratches but the car just doesn’t have the look that is use to. Eventually, if you don’t have the dents and scratches taken care of, the car will rust. Sometimes marriages get a few dents and scratches. Sometimes it takes only a little bit of buffing, other times it takes going to the body shop. You can be certain, if you don’t take care of the dents and scratches, your marriage will rust.

We don’t always buy a car right off the showroom floor. Sometimes we buy cars that are used. Sometimes we buy cars that have been wrecked or have been damaged. We still take pride in them and do our very best to make them the best car possible. People who marry may also be used. The person may have been wrecked or damaged. Are you going to treat your spouse as if they are wrecked or damaged or are you going to treat them with special honor?

Getting married is easy. Maintaining your marriage is not. Marriages will go through many trials, tribulations and yes, even temptations. Making your marriage work takes a lot of work and a setting of your priorities, making your marriage priority one. When I say priority one I say this in light of your faith in God. I read a book written by Gayle Sayers many years ago entitled “I am Third.” In it he said that God is number 1, family and friends are number 2. That is how it should be, is it that way for you?

Gary Chapman wrote in his book The Five Love Languages the five languages of love. There is no one love language that works for everyone, we are all different. In his book he listed the following love languages; words of affirmation, gifts, act of service, quality time and physical touch. Do you know what your spouses love language is? If not, may I encourage you to find out what it is and then use it. The book can be purchased at Emmaus Road Christian Store for only $13.49

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Excited About My Faith!

If you sit in the middle of any football stadium, basketball arena, baseball ballpark, stock car track or ice hockey arena you will quickly observe the excitement (and possibly get caught up in it) of everyone in attendance. And that’s ok, it’s ok to get excited when you attend these type of events. You can get excited and nobody will think of you as a quack. Try the same thing in your local church and you may very well be thrown out. People will look at you and wonder where in the world did you come from? Do you agree?

As Christians we must get excited about our faith. Have you ever watched “Winnie the Pooh?” Do you remember Eeyore and how negative both Winnie and Eeyore were? Many, if not most of those sitting in church pews today are just like that. They say, “oh yes, here we are today. Things are nice.” Picture Eeyore saying this in his pessimistic, negative voice. Yes, this is how way too many Christians worship God. Sad indeed, football ok, baseball ok, basketball ok, hockey ok, but not in church.

In 1 Corinthians 15:58 it says that the work we do for the Lord is not done in vain. What this is saying is that we must get enthusiastic in our faith, enthusiastic in our worship. Why do athletes celebrate so much after someone does something “great?” They have a great amount of enthusiasm for what happened. They believe in themselves, they believe in what they are doing. Do you believe in what you are doing?

If you really believe in what you are doing, if you are really sold out in what you believe, then you need to conduct yourself accordingly. This means telling others about what you believe in. This means being a witness for the One who saved you. 1 Peter 1:3 says that we are to have a lively hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We need to act like we have a lively hope. Before you became a believer in Jesus Christ you had absolutely no hope. Now, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ we do have hope, and not just hope but a lively hope. Can you get excited about your lively hope?

When you let the world know you are a believer and you have this lively hope, I promise you that you will also have persecution. Persecution comes to those who tell the world about the hope that they have. 1 Peter 1:6 tells us that we are to greatly rejoice in times of trouble. Troubles will come. No one who claims hope in Jesus is exempt from troubles. Jesus also tells us that we will have troubles, but He has overcome the world. Where’s your hope? Peter tells us that we are to not only rejoice but to greatly rejoice. What are we to greatly rejoice in? God is our salvation.

Have you tasted the goodness of God? Have you come to the realization that God is good, all the time? Do something about it. Today, tomorrow, let someone know of God’s goodness.
God has chosen you. You are a child of not just a king but the King of all kings. Do you act as such? When was the last time you told someone who has not been adopted into the family of God that they too can be the King’s kid. When someone asks you about the hope you have within you, are you ready to give an answer? We are told to do so. We are not to speak arrogantly or act with haughtiness but rather speak with meekness and fear, gentleness and respect.

Have the same excitement about your salvation as you have in cheering on your favorite sports team. Try showing your excitement in church. A cold in contagious, the flu is contagious, poison ivy is contagious, your excitement in church can also be contagious. Try it, you’ll like it!

For more resources please visit Emmaus Road Christian Store

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fasting God's Way

In scripture, the only time the Jews were required to fast was on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:31). This was a day the man is reconciled back to God. Fasting is more than abstaining from eating food. A fast could be giving up something that the body craves but for simplicity sake, let’s keep with abstaining from food. During the time of fast you should spend a great deal of time in the scriptures and in prayer. I have found in my own personal situation that I am unable to fast when I have a busy schedule ahead of me. For me, I must dedicate the day(s) to God for the fast.

There were other times that people in the scriptures fasted. I have listed four (4) times when people would fast.

They would fast during a Time of Mourning. In 2 Samuel 1:12 David and his men fasted upon hearing of the death of King Saul. Nehemiah records in 1:4 that upon hearing of the conditions in his home country of Jerusalem, he fasted prayed. 2 Samuel 12:16 David fasted for several days because his son became critically ill.

The people would fast during a Time of Sorrow for Turning Away from God and Following Pagan gods. We read in 1 Samuel 7:6 where Israel repented for following after other gods, they fasted and repented. Jonah 3:5 records that the people of Nineveh upon hearing Jonah’s prophecy put on sackcloth covered themselves with ashes and fasted. During the Nehemiah’s governorship Nehemiah (9:1), the Israelites came together fasting, and wearing sackcloth and having dust on their heads, confessing their sins.

The people would fast during a Time for Salvation from God. 2 Chronicles 20: records how King Jehoshaphat called for national time of fasting for all of Judah because they were being invaded by foreign nations. God saw their fast, heard their prayers and delivered them. Likewise God spoke to the prophet Joel (Joel 2:12-13) calling for a fast to restore then from destruction. "Even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Queen Esther called for all the Jews to fast in preparations of her going before the king and Jesus told how his disciples would fast when he is gone.

Most people when they feel a tugging by the Holy Spirit to enter into a ministry they pray about it, have others pray about it and then heed God’s calling. May I suggest that you fast when you feel a Time of Calling from God? Moses fasted 40 days and 40 nights when he was on the mountain with God receiving the commandments of God. Prior to Jesus beginning his earthly ministry, he fasted 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. Upon Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus he fasted and prayed for three days before Ananias came and placed his hands on him. At Antioch (Acts 13:1) the followers were worshipping the Lord and fasting when the Holy Spirit spoke to them telling them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work in which they were called to. In Acts 14 tells about the setting aside of elders and when they did so they prayed and fasted.

These are just a few examples that there even though fast was only required once per year, people fasted at other times giving us scriptural backing of the need for fasting.
There are times when a fast is wrong.

The first is To Be Seen of Men. Matthew 6:16-18 “Don’t be like the hypocrites who look somber or gloomy to be noticed by men, but Jesus said to put oil on your head and wash your face and not to be noticed of man but rather of the Father. What the Father sees you do in secret he will reward you openly for.” In the Parable of the Pharisee recorded in Luke 18, The Pharisee brags to God about who he isn’t (a robber, a person who does evil or and adulterer, not even like the tax collector) what he does, i.e. I fast twice a week and I tithe. He who exalts himself, God will humble. Jesus tells them that they have their reward.

Fasting is wrong when you do it Because of Tradition. In Jeremiah 14 the land was devastated and the people confessed their sins to God but didn’t repent of them. God told them that there fasting was of no avail. He would destroy them. You would have thought they would have learned form history that God is not a good luck charm, i.e. placing the ark in front of the battle only to lose it to the Philistines. Isaiah 58 tells of the people fasting but God not honoring their fast. They were being religious towards God and not relational with Him.

Fasting does not make you right with God. Fasting does not impress God. To be effective in you fast, you must be of the right frame of mind, heart and soul. Hebrews 11:6 says that God rewards those who earnestly seek him. Deuteronomy 4:29 says that “we are to seek the Lord and if we look for him with all of our heart and soul we will find him.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jesus was at the well with the Samaritan women. When the disciples returned and brought him food, Jesus’ comment to them was, “My will was to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” Jesus was hungry, but the need of the Samaritan women was far more important that his physical need. How about you?

God wants us to fast. He wants us to seek him. He wants us to draw closer to him. He also wants us to take care of the needs of his people. This is evidenced in Isaiah 58 (may I suggest you take the time right now and read all of Isaiah 58), and also in Zechariah 7:3-10. God told them not to do what they have been doing year after year, but rather “administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In you hearts do not think evil of each other.” James 1:27 tells us that we are to look after the widows and orphans in their distress.

Our very being should be taken up by doing service to others. Get wrapped up in God’s work. People need the Lord. You may be the only Jesus that some will ever see.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

God Hates Pride

Don’t look at others and say that they are prideful. Don’t look at others and compare yourself with “their pride.” Look rather to yourself, look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Am I prideful, am I haughty, am I arrogant?” Don’t look at the person sitting next to you or across the other side of the church and say that those people want to give the appearance of humility and don’t look to the front of the church and say that those people are prideful. Look at yourself and ask yourself, “Am I prideful?” God has given us the scriptures to look at to help us along the way.

Perhaps they can give us the information we need.

In the book of Daniel (5:18-30) The is the story of Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar who was very prideful of “his” accomplishments. He gave no honor to God who is the true God and thus God took the throne away from him.

We can read of another similar account in 2 Chronicles 26 where King Uzziah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. King Uzziah took care of the people, built cities, created a great army, but then he became prideful. His pride, the scripture says, led to his downfall. He did that which was unlawful. He entered the temple and burned incense which only the priests could do. As a result of his pride, leprosy broke out on his forehead that remained for the rest of his life. He no longer lived in the palace but in a separate house, isolated until the day he died.

We read in Proverbs 6:16-19 that there are seven things the Lord detests and the first one listed is “Pride.” Why does God detest “Pride?” Because it says to others that, “I am better than you are.” (My baseball team is better, my company is better; my home is nicer, etc. You look down on people because they have not accomplished what you’ve accomplished, or so you think.) Pride occurs when we want to glorify ourselves and our accomplishments. Pride says to God, “I don’t need you; I can do it on my own.” Pride is when sinful human beings aspire to the same status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependency on Him. Pride says to God, “I am going to contend with you for supremacy.” Contend with God for supremacy? You are probably saying that you would never do that. Won’t you? What makes you so sure? Are you prideful of the fact that you are not prideful?

We read in Ezekiel 28 where God calls Lucifer the model of perfection and in Isaiah 14 he is called the “Morning star, son of the dawn.” Lucifer wanted to contend for supremacy with God and we know that God was quick to respond. Because no sin is permitted in heaven, Lucifer was cast out, he and all the angels who also became prideful. On your own, are you more powerful than Lucifer?

After Lucifer fell he was given a new name, Satan (Adversary of God). He is opposed to God. He is trying to deceive you and bring you down to his level. You’ve heard the saying, “misery loves company?” That’s Satan. He wants you with him. He will do whatever he can to bring you down. He started at the very beginning with Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3 we read where the Serpent deceived Eve. He honed in on the one thing that brought him down… Pride. “You can be just like God, you can be as smart as him, as wise as him, and you can live forever.” He of course lied to Eve but it was her Pride, her desire to be “just like God” that brought her down.
What about Job? Surely not Job! Didn’t God say that Job was blameless and upright? We read in Job 32:2 that Elihu became very angry with Job because he was justifying himself rather than God. Job’s sin was Pride.

Proverbs 16:18 says that Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall. This can be on an individual basis or a corporate basis. It can happen in a local community or on a national scale. It can happen in a small church or a mega church. When pride enters in, be sure of this, destruction is coming, the fall is just around the corner. I read in Isaiah 3 how the women of Zion were haughty, thinking themselves to be better than others, always looking down at people. It said that their necks were stretched out (kind of like having your nose in the air, they were flirting with their eyes, taking dainty steps, and covered with jewelry. They were snobbish. God doesn’t want his people to be prideful. He loves us to much to leave us there. He will do whatever it takes to bring us back to humility. For the women of Zion, this meant that God would give the women baldness with scabs on their heads. This meant God would cause them to loose all of their fine jewelry and beautiful clothing. This meant that God would actually make them stink. It says that God would replace their beauty with shame.

Both the Apostle Peter and James the brother of Jesus said that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Brothers and sisters, we must examine ourselves and ask God to reveal to us the areas of our life whereby we are prideful. We must repent of our sin of pride and ask to for humility. We must have the humility of Jesus himself. Philippians 2:5 says your “attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus: who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Jesus showed His humility in many ways. Jesus, a king, rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Jesus exemplified humility by washing the feet of his disciples; Jesus left his throne in heaven to save us.

Repent of your pride, pray to God asking him to make you humble.

For more resources on pride and humility, visit Emmaus Road Christian Store.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Love of Southern Gospel

What is your favorite music genre? You can’t say that you don’t have a favorite and that you love all equally, that’s just not true. Some love the sound of Bluegrass Gospel, others love Praise and Worship, others Contemporary Christian, many Christian Hip Hop and still others, Southern Gospel. It doesn’t really matter which is your favorite as long as the lyrics are pleasing to God! Amen?

May I suggest a noncombative position on “Christian Music?” Saying that a particular Christian music style is not Christian is like saying that only those preachers who preach the “hell fire and brimstone” messages are the only true preachers. I know that there are some people who would agree with that statement. In 1 Corinthians 12 says that there are many different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit, many different kinds of service but the same Lord, many different kind of workings but the same God works in all of them in all men. One part of the body to say that they just don’t belong to the body doesn’t mean it’s true, or to say that a particular part of the body doesn’t belong doesn’t make that true either. All work together for the glory of God.

How can you listen to Southern Gospel music and not appreciate and love the unique sound. Sometimes is difficult to distinguish Southern Gospel from Bluegrass Gospel and even Contemporary Christian. Back in the late 1970’s and the early 1980’s to listen to a group such as the Imperials was to listen to Contemporary Christian. Today most people would consider their sound Southern Gospel.

Southern Gospel music began back in the 1800’s. It began because people of the south wanted to express their personal faith in God. The southern states were going through difficult times (Civil War) and were looking for ways to rebuilt and reconcile. The people of the south had to come together and the ideal place to do this was at the local church houses. They would gather and in a short amount of time, songs were sung, many in the form of quartets; thus Southern Gospel was born.

As Southern Gospel entered the 20th Century, those involved in the industry were turning professional and traveling mostly through the south but expanding to other regions of the country as well. From the beginning, Southern Gospel performers considered themselves to be ministers of the gospel. Music was a means to share the Good News with others. The musicians could entertain and preach, considering what they do to be the greatest way to spread the gospel as well as to earn a living.

As the 20th Century rolled along, the Great Depression set in. The Southern Gospel professionals struggled, yet persevered. Out of the depression era came the Speer Family, the LaVerne Family, the Blackwood Brothers and the Chuck Wagon Gang (a cross between Bluegrass and Southern Gospel). The Chuck Wagon Gang is still performing today.

The 1940’s saw the emergence of individuals such as Jake Hess (John Daniel Quartet, Hess Brother Quartet, Sunny South Quartet, Melody Masters Quartet, Statesmen Quartet and the Imperials Quartet) and J.D. Sumner (Blackwood Brothers, Stamps Quartet, Masters V). Both men instrumental in leading Southern Gospel music to the level it is today.

If tough times brings out the best in us, Southern Gospel music is about to explode. The 21st Century is going through some turbulent times. God will use Southern Gospel music to help us mend and heal. Groups such as The Gaither’s, The Isaacs, Legacy Five, Karen Peck and New River as well as others and those who have not even started will be used by God to help bring us out of this tough situation. Praise be to God!

The very best in Southern Gospel Music, please visit Emmaus Road Christian Store. To learn even more about Southern Gospel, please visit Southern Gospel History.