Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Audio Memory

Whether your children are in public school or whether you homeschool your children, Audio Memory is an excellent source for helping children to learn. If your child is struggling trying to learn their addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, you will find Audio Memory to be a great aid in their learning process. You can view these products at Emmaus Road Christian Store.

What is Audio Memory?
Audio Memory Publishing produces materials that encourage students to teach themselves. With the aid of audio cassettes, sing and point exercises and written work, students are able to use "all avenues to the brain." Learning becomes a painless, fun activity which can be enjoyed individually or in a group.

Why use songs to teach these subjects?
Simple answer: It's a lot more fun.

Scientific answer: Virtually all scientists now agree that reading and singing lyrics while listening to music strengthens the connections between frequently used brain cells. Singing activates both sides of the brain. The brain is a pattern-seeker. Putting information into an organized framework such as a song makes it easier to remember.

Singing prepares students for piano lessons. The latest research shows that taking piano lessons improves spatial-temporal reasoning - skills necessary for science and math. Singing is also good exercise. The deep breathing required of singers increases the amount of oxygen in the body. More oxygen to the brain produces better thinking. Singing lifts our spirits and focuses our attention. It is also especially helpful for students with ADD or other learning problems.

Who is using these materials?
Audio Memory has been in business for 16 years. Their products are sold world-wide. They are used by home schoolers, missionaries, public schools, private schools, Montessori schools, after-school programs, tutors, special education programs, blind students, ESL students and parents. Many people use them in the car. They are used by foreign students in language labs for practice in pronunciation and development of vocabulary and grammar.

Are these materials for beginners or advanced students?
Because of the universal appeal of music, these songs can be used with both beginners and advanced students. Children as young as 3 and 4 often memorize the songs before their older siblings. Even though they may not understand what they are memorizing, small children are often able to memorize much information when it is put to music. Later, when they are older, they will be able to apply what they have memorized.
These materials are successful in many settings:

English classes

math classes

reading classes

choir classes

art classes (They listen while they draw, paint, etc.)

P.E. classes (Try doing aerobics with the songs.)

dance classes

learning centers (with headphones)

International Festivals / Global Awareness events

geography classes

social studies classes

on the playground (Hop across a giant map of the USA while singing the States & Capitals.)

on the school bus

in the car

in the bathtub

in the kitchen (while cooking/ cleaning)

while jumping rope or walking

in hospitals (with headphones)

whenever the substitute teacher has run out of things to do

whenever the teacher needs to sit down and rest.

Who's the Author?
Larry and Kathy Troxel are both professional musicians and teachers. Kathy has taught for over ten years in private, public and home schools. She started Grammar Songs in 1980 while teaching a sophomore English class and spent five years developing it and testing it with different age groups. After that, she and her husband joined together to produce other educational music. The business of Audio Memory Publishing has become their full-time work (along with parenting). They have plans to produce more educational materials. Please let us know by e-mail what other educational songs you would like produced.


LA Times

Daily Breeze

To View Audio Memory and or Mastery Kits, click here!

To View Other Homeschooling Products, click here!

Please Visit Emmaus Road Christian Store at www.Emmaus-Road.com

May God Richly Bless Your Life!

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