Saturday, December 12, 2009

Virgin Conception

According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary, a prophet is one who speaks forth or openly, a proclaimer of a divine message. In the Septuagint a prophet is referred to a seer. In general, the prophet was one upon whom the spirit of God rested, one to whom and through whom God speaks. In the Old Testament if it is determined that a person is a false prophet, one that tried to sway the people away from God, the penalty for such is death (Deuteronomy 13). Therefore it was of great importance to the prophet to be real.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah lived during the time of several kings. One such godless king was Ahaz. Ahaz did not trust in the God of his fathers, the great God Jehovah. Rather, Ahaz trusted in himself and his power. King Ahaz placed his trust in his army and the alliance he made with the Assyrians. Isaiah told the people not to place their trust in man but in God. Why do we test the patience of God? King Ahaz did, the people of Judah did. Isaiah told them that God would give them a sign.

The sign that God would give will come in three parts. Isaiah records in Isaiah 7:14 that a virgin would be with child, pregnant. This women, will be a virgin, young yes, unmarried yes, a virgin, yes. God does this to show his mighty power. This woman would not be any woman but rather a virgin. Matthew 1:23 records her in the Greek as being a virgin. Next God tells us that this child will be a son and his name will call him Immanuel. Immanuel, God with us. The birth of a son, to a virgin, only God can do that.

Neither Isaiah not Matthew really understood the significance of the virgin birth. Isaiah prophesied it; Matthew records the fulfillment of it. Today we know of the reason for the virgin birth, to escape the curse of the original sin of Adam and Eve. Why did Isaiah tell King Ahaz about this virgin birth, the son and his name being Immanuel? King Ahaz had to be reminded by God to trust him, to let him know that God has not abandoned his people, and that he is still with them.

About 750 years after Isaiah gives this particular prophecy it is fulfilled. In Luke 1:30 it is recorded that an angel appeared to a virgin named Mary. The angel told Mary not to be afraid and that she has found favor with God. Wow! To know that you have been visited by an angel and to be told that you have been found with favor or grace with God is nothing less that wow! An angel is a messenger from God. This angle tells Mary that she will be with child, she will give birth to a son and she will give him the name Jesus. Sound familiar? Isaiah prophesied it, Mary is living it. Mary is young, unmarried (though engaged), still living at home. What will the family say? What will the neighbors say? What will Joseph say, what will he do? Mary then understands, his name will be Jesus. Jesus is the New Testament name for Joshua, “Yahweh is salvation” or “Yahweh will save.” What can be said but “WOW!”

In Mary’s confusion, the angel explains that her son will be called the “Son of the Most High.” This “Most High” is none other than the “Most High,” God himself. Her son will fulfill all prophecy concerning the deliverer, he will be of the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. How long is forever? That‘s how long he will reign. Mary, being still confused, knowing of her virginity asked the angel how this will happen. The angel explains that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power of the “Most High” will overshadow her. The baby will be holy and will be called the Son of God! This event will be miraculous. There will be no sexual contact between Mary and God or any other being, but rather the impregnation will be supernatural, an impregnation only God could perform, outside the normal laws of nature.

Mary doesn’t ask for any further proof, no other evidence is needed on the part of Mary but the angel gives her one other sign. Her cousin Elizabeth, who never had a child, who is now old, is now pregnant. Nothing is impossible with God. What is impossible with man is possible with God! God is a God of possibilities. When all seems lost, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, when the whole world is against you, God will take you through because nothing is impossible with God. Old age and becoming pregnant, a virgin and becoming pregnant, it doesn’t matter because nothing is impossible with God. Mary believed the angels and confirms it by saying that she is a servant of the Lord.

God spoke through Isaiah telling King Ahaz and all the people that God has never left them and that he never will. Sometimes in life we may wonder where God is but we must always remember his promise. Just as he promised King Ahaz,, just as he promised Mary he also promises us. The angel told Mary that nothing was impossible with God. God said that he would never leave us nor would he forsake us. In other words, God is always with us and he will never turn his back on us.

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